
I researched 6 categories (High—Low Power Distance, individualism/collectivism, masculinity/feminism, weak uncertainty avoidance, long term orientation, indulgence) between Japan and El Salvador.

compare to Japan, El Salvador has a little masculinity. this is because the dominant values in society are caring for others and quality of life. A Feminine society is one where quality of life is the sign of success and standing out from the crowd is not admirable. It has also short term orientation. this is because People in such societies have a strong concern with establishing the absolute Truth; they are normative in their thinking. However, Japan and El Salvador have common characteristics. For example, they tend to avoid weak uncertainty avoidance. This is because Bureaucracy is very time consuming in El Salvador and Japan, documentation, need for stamps and written instructions are important.

Comparison of prices between JPN and SAL

Japan and El Salvador have a big difference in relation to price.

At first, I want to talk about food expenses. The food expenses of El Salvador are very cheep, compare to Japan. The food of this picture is “pupusa”, which is one of the famous food in El Salvador. To my surprise, this food costs only $1!! I want to go there and eat it…

Accommodation expanses are also attractive. On average, the cost of accommodation is around 1200 yen, when converted to Japanese yen. This fact is unbelievable thing in Japan. Maybe we can stay 10 times more than Japanese hotel.

Finally I show you about transportation expenses. We must use bus, train and so on, when we travel somewhere. Because El Salvador is small, small country, we can use buses only 1-3 dollars per 1 time.

Conclusion: the price in El Salvador is more cheep than Japan. If you go there, you will want to stay more than before you plan!!

Paper planes(7/10)

Introduction: JPN+〇〇+〇〇, self-introductions, Map/Codes/Flags, Message/Purpose/Over-view.

Body: Definitions + Data(References; Hofstages, Gap analysis). サイトに載ってる権力差

Examples, emics(customs, expressions). 文化的に見た権力差

Steep case(JPN or 〇〇)→high/low power over use in past(school, company, leagal). 客観的に見た権力差


サイトはまだ立ち上げられていません。サイトを立ち上げるまでは、サイトを表示できるのはあなただけです。 非表示

El Salvador

About El Salvador

What is GQ

yoshimune101asano未分類 2019年10月16日 2 Minutes

I think GQ is that people from all over the world become happy. 


What is GQ

As example, let us think about Disney. What do you feel when you hear about Disney? Happy, fun, and so on. We can connect each other with happy feeling, without language. This is the most important thing!! You may think that GQ is limited thing, but GQ is everywhere. Thinking about what is GQ will make you more happy.

Person who is worst/best


Worst person→Sendo
Best person→Ikemen

Sendo…should act with no cost→as perspective of christian
Ikemen…Just waiting for Rose Mary. 

I think those are different from country to county. I thought it has a relationship of religion. 

「キリスト イラスト」の画像検索結果

Christian…Adultery(姦通罪). In Christianity, it is said that sexual intercourse with men who are not intended for marriage is an abomination. Having sex with someone who has not decided to endure this lifetime is expressed in Christianity as a temptation to the devil. 

「ムスリム イラスト」の画像検索結果

Muslim… Recently, there seemed to be more opportunities to meet with marriage partners at school and at work, but it is also linked to female virgins, and negative opinions are strong in pre-marital negotiations. In an area where the honors of virgins and homes are complex, a custom called “Honorary Murder (Killing a Party for Striking a Family’s Honor for Premarriage / Extramarital Negotiation Including Rape)” But it exists. In addition, there are many areas where hymen is considered sacred as a local tradition. 

「仏教 イラスト」の画像検索結果

Buddhism…How to maintain faith through marriage is a common theme of monks, and each denomination is now working on the composition of pre-French weddings. In order to increase the significance of men and women who have taken a different path to each other as a place where they take vows of the philosophy of auspicious ties that are deeply connected with the mercy of the Buddha, and vow to pass through their love before the Buddha. The sect intends to include the sect according to each sect.

About family

How many children do you want?
I want 2 of children. I think 2 is the best because if you have only one child, the child cannot talk/consult about him or her, and if you have more than 3 children, you will have to work so hard for earning money.
Who do housework of your home?
My father do laundry and my mother cook. I wash the dishes and my younger sister folds clothes.
Do you want to use mechanic houseworker?
I want because it is really easy for us to do housework.

News paper of Denmark 

投稿者: yoshimune101asano

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